• Slang Standard Library Reference
    • Interfaces
      • IArithmetic
        • add
        • div
        • init
        • mod
        • mul
        • neg
        • sub
      • IArithmeticAtomicable
      • IAtomicable
      • IBitAtomicable
      • IBufferDataLayout
      • IComparable
        • equals
        • lessThan
        • lessThanOrEquals
      • IDefaultInitializable
        • init
      • IDifferentiable
        • dadd
        • dmul
        • dzero
      • IDifferentiableFunc
        • operator()
      • IDifferentiableMutatingFunc
        • operator()
      • IDifferentiablePtrType
      • IFloat
        • add
        • div
        • init
        • mod
        • mul
        • neg
        • scale
        • sub
        • toFloat
      • IFunc
        • operator()
      • IInteger
        • init
        • toInt
        • toInt64
        • toUInt
        • toUInt64
      • ILogical
        • and
        • bitAnd
        • bitNot
        • bitOr
        • bitXor
        • init
        • not
        • or
        • shl
        • shr
      • IMutatingFunc
        • operator()
      • IRangedValue
        • maxValue
        • minValue
      • __BuiltinArithmeticType
      • __BuiltinFloatingPointType
        • getPi
      • __BuiltinIntegerType
      • __BuiltinLogicalType
      • __ITextureShape
        • dimensions
        • flavor
        • planeDimensions
      • __ITextureShape1D2D3D
    • Types
      • Buffer types
        • AppendStructuredBuffer
          • Append
          • GetDimensions
        • ByteAddressBuffer
          • GetDimensions
          • Load
          • Load2
          • Load2Aligned
          • Load3
          • Load3Aligned
          • Load4
          • Load4Aligned
          • LoadAligned
        • ConsumeStructuredBuffer
          • Consume
          • GetDimensions
        • RWByteAddressBuffer
          • GetDimensions
          • InterlockedAdd
          • InterlockedAdd64
          • InterlockedAddF16
          • InterlockedAddF16Emulated
          • InterlockedAddF32
          • InterlockedAddI64
          • InterlockedAddU64
          • InterlockedAnd
          • InterlockedAnd64
          • InterlockedAndU64
          • InterlockedCompareExchange
          • InterlockedCompareExchange64
          • InterlockedCompareExchangeFloatBitwise
          • InterlockedCompareExchangeU64
          • InterlockedCompareStore
          • InterlockedCompareStore64
          • InterlockedCompareStoreFloatBitwise
          • InterlockedExchange
          • InterlockedExchange64
          • InterlockedExchangeFloat
          • InterlockedExchangeU64
          • InterlockedMax
          • InterlockedMax64
          • InterlockedMaxU64
          • InterlockedMin
          • InterlockedMin64
          • InterlockedMinU64
          • InterlockedOr
          • InterlockedOr64
          • InterlockedOrU64
          • InterlockedXor
          • InterlockedXor64
          • InterlockedXorU64
          • Load
          • Load2
          • Load2Aligned
          • Load3
          • Load3Aligned
          • Load4
          • Load4Aligned
          • LoadAligned
          • Store
          • Store2
          • Store2Aligned
          • Store3
          • Store3Aligned
          • Store4
          • Store4Aligned
          • StoreAligned
          • _NvInterlockedAddFp16x2
        • RWStructuredBuffer
          • DecrementCounter
          • GetDimensions
          • IncrementCounter
          • Load
          • subscript
        • RasterizerOrderedByteAddressBuffer
          • GetDimensions
          • InterlockedAdd
          • InterlockedAnd
          • InterlockedCompareExchange
          • InterlockedCompareStore
          • InterlockedExchange
          • InterlockedMax
          • InterlockedMin
          • InterlockedOr
          • InterlockedXor
          • Load
          • Load2
          • Load2Aligned
          • Load3
          • Load3Aligned
          • Load4
          • Load4Aligned
          • LoadAligned
          • Store
          • Store2
          • Store2Aligned
          • Store3
          • Store3Aligned
          • Store4
          • Store4Aligned
          • StoreAligned
        • RasterizerOrderedStructuredBuffer
          • DecrementCounter
          • GetDimensions
          • IncrementCounter
          • Load
          • subscript
        • StructuredBuffer
          • GetDimensions
          • Load
          • subscript
      • Math types
        • matrix
          • Differential
          • T
          • add
          • dadd
          • div
          • dmul
          • dzero
          • equals
          • getCount
          • init
          • lessThan
          • lessThanOrEquals
          • mod
          • mul
          • neg
          • scale
          • sub
          • toFloat
        • vector
          • Differential
          • Element
          • add
          • and
          • bitAnd
          • bitNot
          • bitOr
          • bitXor
          • dadd
          • div
          • dmul
          • dzero
          • equals
          • getCount
          • init
          • lessThan
          • lessThanOrEquals
          • mod
          • mul
          • neg
          • not
          • or
          • scale
          • shl
          • shr
          • sub
          • toFloat
          • toInt
          • toInt64
          • toUInt
          • toUInt64
      • Miscelaneous types
        • DefaultDataLayout
        • MemoryOrder
        • NativeString
          • getBuffer
          • getLength
          • init
          • length
        • ScalarDataLayout
        • SideEffectBehavior
        • Std140DataLayout
        • Std430DataLayout
        • __Shape1D
          • dimensions
          • flavor
          • planeDimensions
        • __Shape2D
          • dimensions
          • flavor
          • planeDimensions
        • __Shape3D
          • dimensions
          • flavor
          • planeDimensions
        • __ShapeBuffer
          • dimensions
          • flavor
          • planeDimensions
        • __ShapeCube
          • dimensions
          • flavor
          • planeDimensions
        • string
      • Ray-tracing
        • BuiltInTriangleIntersectionAttributes
          • barycentrics
        • HitObject
          • GetAttributes
          • GetCurrentTime
          • GetGeometryIndex
          • GetHitKind
          • GetInstanceID
          • GetInstanceIndex
          • GetObjectRayDirection
          • GetObjectRayOrigin
          • GetObjectToWorld
          • GetPrimitiveIndex
          • GetRayDesc
          • GetShaderRecordBufferHandle
          • GetShaderTableIndex
          • GetWorldToObject
          • Invoke
          • IsHit
          • IsMiss
          • IsNop
          • LoadLocalRootTableConstant
          • MakeHit
          • MakeMiss
          • MakeMotionHit
          • MakeMotionMiss
          • MakeNop
          • TraceMotionRay
          • TraceRay
          • init
        • RAY_FLAG
        • RayDesc
          • Direction
          • Origin
          • TMax
          • TMin
        • RayQuery
          • Abort
          • CandidateGeometryIndex
          • CandidateGetIntersectionTriangleVertexPositions
          • CandidateInstanceContributionToHitGroupIndex
          • CandidateInstanceID
          • CandidateInstanceIndex
          • CandidateObjectRayDirection
          • CandidateObjectRayOrigin
          • CandidateObjectToWorld3x4
          • CandidateObjectToWorld4x3
          • CandidatePrimitiveIndex
          • CandidateProceduralPrimitiveNonOpaque
          • CandidateRayBarycentrics
          • CandidateRayFrontFace
          • CandidateRayGeometryIndex
          • CandidateRayInstanceCustomIndex
          • CandidateRayInstanceId
          • CandidateRayInstanceShaderBindingTableRecordOffset
          • CandidateRayObjectRayDirection
          • CandidateRayObjectRayOrigin
          • CandidateRayObjectToWorld
          • CandidateRayPrimitiveIndex
          • CandidateRayWorldToObject
          • CandidateTriangleBarycentrics
          • CandidateTriangleFrontFace
          • CandidateTriangleRayT
          • CandidateType
          • CandidateWorldToObject3x4
          • CandidateWorldToObject4x3
          • CommitNonOpaqueTriangleHit
          • CommitProceduralPrimitiveHit
          • CommittedGeometryIndex
          • CommittedGetIntersectionTriangleVertexPositions
          • CommittedInstanceContributionToHitGroupIndex
          • CommittedInstanceID
          • CommittedInstanceIndex
          • CommittedObjectRayDirection
          • CommittedObjectRayOrigin
          • CommittedObjectToWorld3x4
          • CommittedObjectToWorld4x3
          • CommittedPrimitiveIndex
          • CommittedRayBarycentrics
          • CommittedRayFrontFace
          • CommittedRayGeometryIndex
          • CommittedRayInstanceCustomIndex
          • CommittedRayInstanceId
          • CommittedRayInstanceShaderBindingTableRecordOffset
          • CommittedRayObjectRayDirection
          • CommittedRayObjectRayOrigin
          • CommittedRayObjectToWorld
          • CommittedRayPrimitiveIndex
          • CommittedRayT
          • CommittedRayWorldToObject
          • CommittedStatus
          • CommittedTriangleBarycentrics
          • CommittedTriangleFrontFace
          • CommittedWorldToObject3x4
          • CommittedWorldToObject4x3
          • Proceed
          • RayFlags
          • RayTMin
          • TraceRayInline
          • WorldRayDirection
          • WorldRayOrigin
          • init
        • RaytracingAccelerationStructure
      • Sampler types
        • SamplerComparisonState
        • SamplerState
      • Scalar types
        • float16_t
        • float32_t
        • float64_t
        • int32_t
        • size_t
        • ssize_t
        • uint32_t
        • usize_t
      • Stage IO types
        • InputPatch
          • subscript
        • LineStream
          • Append
          • RestartStrip
        • OutputIndices
          • subscript
        • OutputPatch
          • subscript
        • OutputPrimitives
          • subscript
        • OutputVertices
          • _metalSetVertex
          • _setVertex
          • subscript
        • PointStream
          • Append
          • RestartStrip
        • SubpassInput
        • SubpassInputMS
        • TextureFootprint
          • _isSingleLevel
          • isSingleLevel
        • TextureFootprint2D
        • TextureFootprint3D
        • TriangleStream
          • Append
          • RestartStrip
      • Texture types
        • Buffer
        • FeedbackTexture2D
        • FeedbackTexture2DArray
        • RWBuffer
        • RWSampler1D
        • RWSampler1DArray
        • RWSampler2D
        • RWSampler2DArray
        • RWSampler2DMS
        • RWSampler2DMSArray
        • RWSampler3D
        • RWTexture1D
        • RWTexture1DArray
        • RWTexture2D
        • RWTexture2DArray
        • RWTexture2DMS
        • RWTexture2DMSArray
        • RWTexture3D
        • RasterizerOrderedBuffer
        • RasterizerOrderedSampler1D
        • RasterizerOrderedSampler1DArray
        • RasterizerOrderedSampler2D
        • RasterizerOrderedSampler2DArray
        • RasterizerOrderedSampler3D
        • RasterizerOrderedTexture1D
        • RasterizerOrderedTexture1DArray
        • RasterizerOrderedTexture2D
        • RasterizerOrderedTexture2DArray
        • RasterizerOrderedTexture3D
        • Sampler1D
        • Sampler1DArray
        • Sampler2D
        • Sampler2DArray
        • Sampler2DMS
        • Sampler2DMSArray
        • Sampler3D
        • SamplerCube
        • SamplerCubeArray
        • Texture1D
        • Texture1DArray
        • Texture2D
        • Texture2DArray
        • Texture2DMS
        • Texture2DMSArray
        • Texture3D
        • TextureBuffer
        • TextureCube
        • TextureCubeArray
        • _Texture
          • CalculateLevelOfDetail
          • CalculateLevelOfDetailUnclamped
          • Coords
          • Footprint
          • FootprintGranularity
          • Gather
          • GatherAlpha
          • GatherBlue
          • GatherCmp
          • GatherCmpAlpha
          • GatherCmpBlue
          • GatherCmpGreen
          • GatherCmpRed
          • GatherGreen
          • GatherRed
          • GetDimensions
          • GetSamplePosition
          • InterlockedAddF32
          • Load
          • Sample
          • SampleBias
          • SampleCmp
          • SampleCmpLevelZero
          • SampleGrad
          • SampleLevel
          • TextureCoord
          • WriteSamplerFeedback
          • WriteSamplerFeedbackBias
          • WriteSamplerFeedbackGrad
          • WriteSamplerFeedbackLevel
          • queryFootprintCoarse
          • queryFootprintCoarseBias
          • queryFootprintCoarseBiasClamp
          • queryFootprintCoarseClamp
          • queryFootprintCoarseGrad
          • queryFootprintCoarseGradClamp
          • queryFootprintCoarseLevel
          • queryFootprintFine
          • queryFootprintFineBias
          • queryFootprintFineBiasClamp
          • queryFootprintFineClamp
          • queryFootprintFineGrad
          • queryFootprintFineGradClamp
          • queryFootprintFineLevel
          • subscript
      • Array
        • getCount
      • Atomic
        • add
        • and
        • compareExchange
        • decrement
        • exchange
        • increment
        • load
        • max
        • min
        • or
        • store
        • sub
        • xor
      • ConstantBuffer
      • DifferentialPair
        • Differential
        • DifferentialElementType
        • d
        • dadd
        • dmul
        • dzero
        • getDifferential
        • getPrimal
        • init
        • p
        • v
      • DifferentialPtrPair
        • Differential
        • DifferentialElementType
        • d
        • init
        • p
        • v
      • Optional
        • hasValue
        • init
        • value
      • ParameterBlock
      • Ptr
        • init
        • subscript
      • String
        • getLength
        • init
        • length
      • Tuple
        • equals
        • init
        • lessThan
        • lessThanOrEquals
      • _AttributeTargets
    • Attributes
      • AutoPyBindCUDA
      • BackwardDifferentiable
      • COM
      • CUDADeviceExport
      • CUDAHost
      • CUDAKernel
      • CudaDeviceExport
      • CudaHost
      • CudaKernel
      • DerivativeGroupLinear
      • DerivativeGroupQuad
      • Differentiable
      • DllExport
      • DllImport
      • Flags
      • ForceInline
      • ForceUnroll
      • ForwardDifferentiable
      • KnownBuiltin
      • MaxIters
      • NonUniformReturn
      • NumThreads
      • OverloadRank
      • PreferCheckpoint
      • PreferRecompute
      • PyExport
      • RequirePrelude
      • Shader
      • SpecializationConstant
      • Specialize
      • TorchEntryPoint
      • TreatAsDifferentiable
      • UnscopedEnum
      • WaveSize
      • allow
      • allow_uav_condition
      • anyValueSize
      • branch
      • builtin
      • call
      • constref
      • deprecated
      • disable_array_flattening
      • domain
      • earlydepthstencil
      • fastopt
      • flatten
      • forcecase
      • format
      • gl_binding
      • instance
      • loop
      • maxtessfactor
      • maxvertexcount
      • mutating
      • noRefInline
      • noinline
      • nonmutating
      • numthreads
      • open
      • outputcontrolpoints
      • outputtopology
      • partitioning
      • patchconstantfunc
      • payload
      • push_constant
      • require
      • sealed
      • shader
      • shader_record
      • spv_target_env_1_3
      • unroll
      • vk_binding
      • vk_constant_id
      • vk_image_format
      • vk_location
      • vk_push_constant
      • vk_shader_record
      • vk_specialization_constant
      • vk_spirv_instruction
    • Global Declarations
      • Atomic functions
        • InterlockedAdd
        • InterlockedAnd
        • InterlockedCompareExchange
        • InterlockedCompareExchangeFloatBitwise
        • InterlockedCompareStore
        • InterlockedCompareStoreFloatBitwise
        • InterlockedExchange
        • InterlockedMax
        • InterlockedMin
        • InterlockedOr
        • InterlockedXor
      • Memory and control barriers
        • AllMemoryBarrier
        • AllMemoryBarrierWithGroupSync
        • DeviceMemoryBarrier
        • DeviceMemoryBarrierWithGroupSync
        • GroupMemoryBarrier
        • GroupMemoryBarrierWithGroupSync
      • Bit operation functions
        • countbits
        • firstbithigh
        • firstbitlow
        • reversebits
      • Conversion functions
        • asdouble
        • asfloat
        • asfloat16
        • asint
        • asint16
        • asuint
        • asuint16
        • bit_cast
        • f16tof32
        • f32tof16
        • f32tof16_
        • reinterpret
      • Derivative functions
        • ddx
        • ddx_coarse
        • ddx_fine
        • ddy
        • ddy_coarse
        • ddy_fine
        • fwidth
      • Math functions
        • abs
        • acos
        • acosh
        • asin
        • asinh
        • atan
        • atan2
        • atanh
        • ceil
        • clamp
        • copysign
        • copysign_double
        • copysign_float
        • copysign_half
        • cos
        • cosh
        • cospi
        • cross
        • degrees
        • determinant
        • distance
        • divide
        • dot
        • dot2add
        • dot4add_i8packed
        • dot4add_u8packed
        • dst
        • exp
        • exp10
        • exp2
        • fabs
        • faceforward
        • fdim
        • floor
        • fma
        • fmax
        • fmax3
        • fmedian3
        • fmin
        • fmin3
        • fmod
        • frac
        • fract
        • frexp
        • isfinite
        • isinf
        • isnan
        • ldexp
        • length
        • lerp
        • lit
        • log
        • log10
        • log2
        • mad
        • max
        • max3
        • median3
        • min
        • min3
        • modf
        • msad4
        • mul
        • noise
        • normalize
        • pow
        • powr
        • radians
        • rcp
        • reflect
        • refract
        • rint
        • round
        • rsqrt
        • saturate
        • sign
        • sin
        • sincos
        • sinh
        • sinpi
        • smoothstep
        • sqrt
        • step
        • tan
        • tanh
        • tanpi
        • transpose
        • trunc
      • Mesh shading
        • DispatchMesh
        • SetMeshOutputCounts
      • Ray-tracing
        • AcceptHitAndEndSearch
        • CallShader
        • DispatchRaysDimensions
        • DispatchRaysIndex
        • GeometryIndex
        • HitKind
        • HitTriangleVertexPosition
        • IgnoreHit
        • InstanceID
        • InstanceIndex
        • ObjectRayDirection
        • ObjectRayOrigin
        • ObjectToWorld
        • ObjectToWorld3x4
        • ObjectToWorld4x3
        • PrimitiveIndex
        • RAY_FLAG_NONE
        • RayCurrentTime
        • RayFlags
        • RayTCurrent
        • RayTMin
        • ReportHit
        • ReportHitOptix
        • TraceMotionRay
        • TraceRay
        • WorldRayDirection
        • WorldRayOrigin
        • WorldToObject
        • WorldToObject3x4
        • WorldToObject4x3
      • Tessellation functions
        • Process2DQuadTessFactorsAvg
        • Process2DQuadTessFactorsMax
        • Process2DQuadTessFactorsMin
        • ProcessIsolineTessFactors
        • ProcessQuadTessFactorsAvg
        • ProcessQuadTessFactorsMax
        • ProcessQuadTessFactorsMin
        • ProcessTriTessFactorsAvg
        • ProcessTriTessFactorsMax
        • ProcessTriTessFactorsMin
      • Wave and quad functions
        • QuadReadAcrossDiagonal
        • QuadReadAcrossX
        • QuadReadAcrossY
        • QuadReadLaneAt
        • WaveActiveAllEqual
        • WaveActiveAllTrue
        • WaveActiveAnyTrue
        • WaveActiveBallot
        • WaveActiveBitAnd
        • WaveActiveBitOr
        • WaveActiveBitXor
        • WaveActiveCountBits
        • WaveActiveMax
        • WaveActiveMin
        • WaveActiveProduct
        • WaveActiveSum
        • WaveBroadcastLaneAt
        • WaveGetActiveMulti
        • WaveGetConvergedMulti
        • WaveGetLaneCount
        • WaveGetLaneIndex
        • WaveIsFirstLane
        • WaveMatch
        • WaveMultiPrefixBitAnd
        • WaveMultiPrefixBitOr
        • WaveMultiPrefixBitXor
        • WaveMultiPrefixCountBits
        • WaveMultiPrefixProduct
        • WaveMultiPrefixSum
        • WavePrefixCountBits
        • WavePrefixProduct
        • WavePrefixSum
        • WaveReadLaneAt
        • WaveReadLaneFirst
        • WaveShuffle
        • _WaveCountBits
      • CheckAccessFullyMapped
      • D3DCOLORtoUBYTE4
      • EvaluateAttributeAtCentroid
      • EvaluateAttributeAtSample
      • EvaluateAttributeSnapped
      • GetAttributeAtVertex
      • GetRenderTargetSampleCount
      • GetRenderTargetSamplePosition
      • IsHelperLane
      • NonUniformResourceIndex
      • ReorderThread
      • WorkgroupSize
      • abort
      • all
      • any
      • clip
      • concat
      • createDynamicObject
      • cudaBlockDim
      • cudaBlockIdx
      • cudaThreadIdx
      • debugBreak
      • getRealtimeClock
      • getRealtimeClockLow
      • getStringHash
      • makeTuple
      • nextafter
      • printf
      • select
      • static_assert
      • unmodified
      • unused




uint HitKind();

Availability and Requirements

Defined for the following targets:


Available in stages: closesthit, anyhit.


Available in stages: closesthit, anyhit.


Available in stages: closesthit, anyhit.


Available in stages: closesthit, anyhit.

Requires capability: spvRayTracingKHR.