Understanding Slang Generics

Understanding Slang Generics


When writing shader code, we often need to write similar logic that works with different types. For example, we might have different kinds of lights in our scene, each with its own parameters and calculation methods, but sharing common patterns. Generics provide a powerful solution to this problem by allowing us to write code that works with multiple types while maintaining type safety and performance.

Unlike C++ templates, Slang’s generics system ensures that code correctness can be verified at the definition site rather than when the code is used. This leads to clearer error messages and faster compilation times, as the compiler doesn’t need to repeatedly verify the same code for each use case.

Generics, Traits, and Type Classes

Slang’s generics system shares similarities with several modern programming language features: Swift’s protocols, Rust’s traits, and Haskell’s type classes. All of these systems implement parametric polymorphism - the ability to write code that works with any type that satisfies certain requirements.

This approach differs from traditional object-oriented inheritance by focusing on behavior rather than hierarchy. Instead of saying “a SpotLight is a kind of Light”, we say “a SpotLight can act as a Light because it provides the required capabilities.” This distinction leads to more flexible and composable code, as types can implement multiple interfaces without the complexity of multiple inheritance.

A Motivating Example

Let’s start with a common scenario in graphics programming - implementing different types of lights:

// Without generics or interfaces, we need separate implementations
struct PointLight
    float3 position;
    float intensity;
    float3 color;

// We need separate functions for each light type
float3 calculatePointLight(PointLight light, float3 worldPos, float3 normal)
    let lightDir = normalize(light.position - worldPos);
    let distance = length(light.position - worldPos);
    let attenuation = light.intensity / (distance * distance);
    return attenuation *
           light.color *
           max(dot(normal, lightDir), 0.0);

struct SpotLight {
    float3 position;
    float3 direction;
    float intensity;
    float3 color;
    float cutoffAngle;
    float falloffExponent;

float3 calculateSpotLight(SpotLight light, float3 worldPos, float3 normal)
    let lightDir = normalize(light.position - worldPos);
    let distance = length(light.position - worldPos);
    let cosAngle = dot(-lightDir, normalize(light.direction));
    let spotFactor = pow(max(cosAngle - cos(light.cutoffAngle), 0.0), light.falloffExponent);
    let attenuation = (light.intensity * spotFactor) / (distance * distance);
    return attenuation *
           light.color *
           max(dot(normal, lightDir), 0.0);


Here we are failing to abstract over the commonalities in the lighting calculation. And everywhere which wants to use these functions will have to know the specific type of light it’s working with in order to know which function to call.

One might consider using function overloading to solve this problem:

float3 calculateLight(PointLight light, float3 worldPos, float3 normal)
    // Point light implementation

float3 calculateLight(SpotLight light, float3 worldPos, float3 normal)
    // Spot light implementation

This is supported in Slang, and is a language feature with appropriate uses, but in this case it doesn’t absolve any calling function of having to know which type of light it’s dealing with. For example one could imagine a light culling function which takes a list of lights, and returns a culled list of lights.

uint cullPointLights(float3 worldPos, inout PointLight lights[MAX_LIGHTS])
  // Put the culled lights at the end of the list and return MAX_LIGHTS - numCulledLights

uint cullSpotLights(float3 worldPos, inout SpotLight lights[MAX_LIGHTS])
  // Put the culled lights at the end of the list and return MAX_LIGHTS - numCulledLights

The implementations of these two functions will differ, but only according to the cullability calculation for each light, the actual sorting and counting algorithm will be the same!

Overloading could again be used here, but we would still need two functions.

In short, overloaded functions can only be used when the types are fully known at the call site. Overloading can also obscure the programmer’s intentions, giving poorer error messages and code understandability.

Here’s how we can improve this with generics and interfaces:

We can define an interface, to which lights must conform.

interface ILight
    float3 position();
    float3 color();
    float3 illumination(float3 worldPos, float3 normal);
    // Return false if this light provides some illumination
    bool isCullable(float3 worldPos);

We can then

struct PointLight : ILight
    float3 position;
    float3 color;

    float3 position() { return position; }
    float3 color() { return color; }
    float3 illumination(float3 worldPos)
      let lightDir = position - worldPos;
      let distance = length(lightDir);
      // Simple inverse square falloff
      return 1.0 / (distance * distance);

struct SpotLight : ILight
    float3 position;
    float3 direction;
    float3 color;
    float intensity;
    float cutoffAngle;
    float falloffExponent;

    float3 position() { return position; }
    float3 color() { return color; }
    float3 illumination(float3 worldPos, float3 normal)
        let lightDir = normalize(position - worldPos);
        let distance = length(position - worldPos);
        let spotFactor =
          pow(max(dot(-lightDir, normalize(direction)) - cos(cutoffAngle), 0.0), falloffExponent);
        return (intensity * spotFactor) / (distance * distance);

Now that these are defined, we can forget all about the details of how lights calculate their various properties and concern ourselves only with what we’re interested in.

// We can factor out the code common to both light types (in this case a
// modulation by the light color and incident angle).
float3 lighting<T>(T light, float3 worldPos, float3 normal)
    where T : ILight
    let lightdir = normalize(light.position() - worldPos);
    return light.illumination(worldPos, normal) *
           light.color() *
           max(dot(normal, lightDir), 0.0);

// In this function we know fully the types of the lights at the call site...
void shadeSurface(float3 worldPos, float3 normal)
    PointLight myLight1 = { /*...*/ };
    SpotLight myLight2 = { /*...*/ };

    float3 totalIllumination =
      lighting(myLight1, worldPos, normal) +
      lighting(myLight2, worldPos, normal);

// ... and here we don't know or care about what type of light we're culling,
// only that they are lights with some notion of cullability, impossible with
// overloading.
uint cullLights<T>(float3 worldPos, inout T lights[MAX_LIGHTS]) where T : ILight
  // Put the culled lights at the end of the list and return MAX_LIGHTS - numCulledLights
  // Use ILight.isCullable() to determine where to sort them to.

This generic solution provides several benefits:

  • Type safety: The compiler verifies that any type used with lighting or cullLights conforms to the ILight interface, so even though there may be other non-light types in the program with the same member functions, they can’t mistakenly be passed to these functions.
  • Extensibility: New light types can be added by implementing the ILight interface, without having to implement a separate culling function or shared lighting calculations.
  • Clear requirements: The interface explicitly states what capabilities a light must have
  • Better error messages at the definition site, using methods which don’t belong to the ILight interface for example is not possible, whereas C++’s templates will only catch this at the call site, or worse, not at all if the type being used happens to have these methods defined.
  • Better error messages at the use site, for example trying to cull an array of objects which aren’t light will tell the programmer exactly that, rather than some error message within the implementation of cullLights

Performance and Compilation

Like Rust traits and C++ templates, Slang’s generics are completely resolved at compile time through a process called monomorphization (except when using existential types). This means that for each unique combination of generic parameters used in your code, the compiler generates a specialized, concrete implementation.

For example, when you write:

let result1 = lighting(myPointLight, pos, normal);
let result2 = lighting(mySpotLight, pos, normal);

The compiler generates two separate versions of the lighting function, one specialized for PointLight and one for SpotLight. This results in:

  • No runtime overhead from dynamic dispatch, virtual function calls or runtime type checking.
  • Full optimization opportunities for each specific type
  • Larger binary size when many specializations are needed

From C++ Templates to Slang Generics

While C++ templates and Slang generics can solve similar problems, their approaches differ significantly. The lighting example, for example:

// C++ template approach
template<typename T>
float3 calculateLighting(T light, float3 worldPos, float3 normal)
    // No explicit requirements - we just hope T has these methods
    // Will fail with an error message here if that isn't the case
    // Furthermore the error is only detected when function is actually
    // instantiated
    float3 lightDir = normalize(light.position() - worldPos);

    // No way to know what other methods T might need
    // Documentation must explain requirements separately
    return light.getColor() *
           max(dot(normal, lightDir), 0.0f);

Benefits of Slang’s approach:

  • Earlier error detection: Problems are caught at definition time
  • Clearer requirements: Interfaces document exactly what operations are needed
  • Better error messages
  • Improved language server support: the Slang language server knows exactly what methods are valid for generic types, unlike C++ template parameters.

There are certain things which work with C++ style templates, which are (deliberatly) disallowed with Slang generics. For example the following code will work in C++ but the naïve equivalent in Slang will not compile.

// This function will compile when instantiated at a type which supports the +
// operator. However this restriction is only discovered at the call site.
float addValue(T v0, T v1) { return v0.x + v1.x; }

// We happen to call `addValue` with a type that supports addition.
void user() {addValue(1,2); }
// In Slang, the type of this function promises that it will work for all types
// `T`. However the definition requires that the type supports the + operator.
// Hence, Slang will refuse to compile this.
float addValue<T>(T v0, T v1) { return v0 + v1; }

// The fact that we call it with a compatible type is irrelevant. The compiler
// finds the problem at addValue's definition site.
void user() {addValue(1,2); }

The correct definition with Slang will be to constrain the type T to be one which supports the + operator, in this case through the IArithmetic interface.

float addValue<T>(T v0, T v1) where T : IArithmetic { return v0 + v1; }

Generic programming over Scalars and Vectors

It is still possible to write functions which can generically operate over scalars and vectors, for example using the IArithmetic or IFloat interfaces.

Advanced Generic Features

Associated Types

Sometimes we need to work with types that are related to our generic parameter. For example, different lights might use different parameter types, which we might want to move around or update, without caring about the specifics.

interface ILight
    associatedtype ParameterType;
    void updateParameters(ParameterType params);
    // ... other methods

struct SpotLightParams
    float cutoffAngle;
    float falloffExponent;

struct SpotLight : ILight
    typealias ParameterType = SpotLightParams;

    void updateParameters(SpotLightParams params) {
        cutoffAngle = params.cutoffAngle;
        falloffExponent = params.falloffExponent;

Generic Value Parameters

Sometimes we need to parameterize by compile-time values, for example abstracting over a compile-time integer is shown here:

struct LightArray<T, let N : int> where T : ILight
    T lights[N];

    float3 calculateTotalIllumination(float3 worldPos, float3 normal) {
        float3 total = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
            total += calculateLighting(lights[i], worldPos, normal);
        return total;

Further Reading