• Slang User's Guide
    • Introduction
      • Why use Slang?
      • Who is Slang for?
      • Who is this guide for?
      • Goals and Non-Goals
    • Getting Started with Slang
      • Installation
      • Your first Slang shader
      • The full example
    • Conventional Language Features
      • Types
      • Expressions
      • Statements
      • Functions
      • Preprocessor
      • Attributes
      • Global Variables and Shader Parameters
      • Shader Entry Points
      • Mixed Shader Entry Points
    • Basic Convenience Features
      • Type Inference in Variable Definitions
      • Immutable Values
      • Namespaces
      • Member functions
      • Properties
      • Initializers
      • Operator Overloading
      • Subscript Operator
      • `Optional<T>` type
      • `reinterpret<T>` operation
      • Pointers (limited)
      • `struct` inheritance (limited)
      • Extensions
      • Multi-level break
      • Force inlining
      • Special Scoping Syntax
    • Modules and Access Control
      • Defining a Module
      • Importing a Module
      • Access Control
      • Legacy Modules
    • Capabilities
      • Capability Atoms and Capability Requirements
      • Conflicting Capabilities
      • Requirements in Parent Scope
      • Inferrence of Capability Requirements
      • Inferrence on target_switch
      • Capability Aliases
      • Validation of Capability Requirements
    • Interfaces and Generics
      • Interfaces
      • Generics
      • Supported Constructs in Interface Definitions
      • Associated Types
      • Generic Value Parameters
      • Interface-typed Values
      • Extending a Type with Additional Interface Conformances
      • `is` and `as` Operator
      • Extensions to Interfaces
      • Builtin Interfaces
    • Automatic Differentiation
      • Using Automatic Differentiation in Slang
      • Mathematic Concepts and Terminologies
      • Differentiable Types
      • Forward Derivative Propagation Function
      • Backward Derivative Propagation Function
      • Builtin Differentiable Functions
      • Primal Substitute Functions
      • Working with Mixed Differentiable and Non-Differentiable Code
      • Higher Order Differentiation
      • Interactions with Generics and Interfaces
      • Restrictions of Automatic Differentiation
    • Compiling Code with Slang
      • Concepts
      • Command-Line Compilation with `slangc`
      • Using the Compilation API
      • Multithreading
      • Compiler Options
      • Debugging
    • Using the Reflection API
      • Program Reflection
      • Variable Layouts
      • Type Layouts
      • Arrays
      • Structures
      • Entry Points
    • Supported Compilation Targets
      • Background and Terminology
      • Direct3D 11
      • Direct3D 12
      • Vulkan
      • OpenGL
      • CUDA and OptiX
      • CPU Compute
      • Summary
    • Link-time Specialization and Module Precompilation
      • Link-time Constants
      • Link-time Types
      • Providing Default Settings
      • Restrictions
      • Using Precompiling Modules with the API
      • Additional Remarks
    • Special Topics
      • Handling Matrix Layout Differences on Different Platforms
        • Two conventions of matrix transform math
        • Discussion
        • Matrix Layout
        • Overriding default matrix layout
      • Using Slang to Write PyTorch Kernels
        • Getting Started with slangpy
        • Specializing shaders using slangpy
        • Back-propagating Derivatives through Complex Access Patterns
        • Manually binding kernels
        • Builtin Library Support for PyTorch Interop
        • Type Marshalling Between Slang and Python
      • Obfuscation
        • Obfuscation in Slang
        • Using An Obfuscated Module
        • Accessing Source Maps
        • Accessing Source Maps without Files
        • Emit Source Maps
        • Issues/Future Work
      • Interoperation with Target-Specific Code
        • Defining Intrinsic Functions for Textual Targets
        • Defining Intrinsic Types
        • Injecting Preludes
        • Managing Cross-Platform Code
        • Inline SPIRV Assembly
      • Uniformity Analysis
        • Treat Values as Uniform
        • Treat Function Return Values as Non-uniform

Getting Started with Slang

Slang enables you to do many powerful things with shader code, including compiling shader code to many different platforms, obtaining reflection information, organizing your shader library in a modern modular fashion, controlling specialization and more. The following sections help you getting started with the basics of Slang in a simple example. We will assume Windows as the operating system, but the steps performed here are similar for other platforms.


The easiest way to start using Slang is to download a binary release from the github repository. Once you have downloaded and extracted the files from a release package, you can find the slangc.exe executable under /bin/windows-x64/release/. In this tutorial we will use the slangc standalone Slang compiler included in a release package. Note that slang.dll and slang-glslang.dll must be placed in the same directory as slangc.exe as they are required by the standalone executable.

If you are interested in building from source, please refer to the documentation on building Slang.

Your first Slang shader

In this section we demonstrate how to write a simple compute shader in Slang that adds numbers from two buffers and writes the results into a third buffer. To start, create a text file named hello-world.slang in any directory, and paste the following content in the newly created file:

// hello-world.slang
StructuredBuffer<float> buffer0;
StructuredBuffer<float> buffer1;
RWStructuredBuffer<float> result;

void computeMain(uint3 threadId : SV_DispatchThreadID)
    uint index = threadId.x;
    result[index] = buffer0[index] + buffer1[index];


Slang has official language extension support for both Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code. The extensions are powered by the Slang compiler to support a wide range of assisting features including auto-completion, function signature hinting, semantic highlighting and more.

As you can see, hello-world.slang is no different from a normal HLSL shader file. In fact, Slang is compatible with most HLSL code you would write. On top of HLSL, Slang has added many new language and compiler features that simplifies various tasks with shader code, which we will cover in future chapters. For now we will demonstrate one key feature of Slang: cross-compiling to different platforms.

Slang supports compiling shaders into many different targets including Direct3D 11, Direct3D 12, Vulkan, CUDA and C++ (for execution on CPU). You can run slangc with the following command line to compile hello-world.slang into Vulkan SPIRV:

.\slangc.exe hello-world.slang -profile glsl_450 -target spirv -o hello-world.spv -entry computeMain

If you would like to see the equivalent GLSL of the generated SPIRV code, simply change the -target argument to glsl:

.\slangc.exe hello-world.slang -profile glsl_450 -target glsl -o hello-world.glsl -entry computeMain

The resulting hello-world.glsl generated by slangc is shown below:

// hello-world.glsl (generated by slangc)
#version 450
layout(row_major) uniform;
layout(row_major) buffer;

#line 2 0
layout(std430, binding = 0) readonly buffer _S1 {
    float _data[];
} buffer0_0;

#line 3
layout(std430, binding = 1) readonly buffer _S2 {
    float _data[];
} buffer1_0;

#line 4
layout(std430, binding = 2) buffer _S3 {
    float _data[];
} result_0;

layout(local_size_x = 1, local_size_y = 1, local_size_z = 1) in;
void main()

#line 10
    uint index_0 = gl_GlobalInvocationID.x;
    float _S4 = ((buffer0_0)._data[(index_0)]);

#line 11
    float _S5 = ((buffer1_0)._data[(index_0)]);

#line 11
    float _S6 = _S4 + _S5;

#line 11
    ((result_0)._data[(index_0)]) = _S6;

#line 8

As you can see, things are being translated just as expected to GLSL: the HLSL StructuredBuffer and RWStructuredBuffer types are mapped to shader storage objects and the [numthreads] attribute are translated into proper layout(...) in qualifier on the main entry-point.

Note that in the generated GLSL code, all shader parameters are qualified with explicit binding layouts. This is because Slang provides a guarantee that all parameters will have fixed bindings regardless of shader optimization. Without generating explicit binding layout qualifiers, the downstream compiler in the driver may change the binding of a parameter depending on whether any preceding parameters are eliminated during optimization passes. In practice this causes a pain in application code, where developers will need to rely on run-time reflection to determine the binding location of a compiled shader kernel. The issue gets harder to manage when the application also needs to deal with shader specializations. Since Slang will always generate explicit binding locations in its output on all targets as if no parameters are eliminated, the user is assured that parameters always gets a deterministic binding location without having to write any manual binding qualifiers in the Slang code themselves. In fact, we strongly encourage users not to qualify their Slang code with explicit binding qualifiers and let the Slang compiler do its work to properly lay out parameters. This is best practice to maintain code modularity and avoid potential binding location conflicts between different shader modules.

The full example

The full Vulkan example that sets up and runs the hello-world.slang shader in located in the /examples/hello-world directory of the Slang repository. The example code initializes a Vulkan context and runs the compiled SPIRV code. The example code demonstrates how to use the Slang API to load and compile shaders.