• Slang User's Guide
    • Introduction
    • Getting Started with Slang
    • Conventional Language Features
    • Basic Convenience Features
    • Modules and Access Control
    • Capabilities
    • Interfaces and Generics
      • Interfaces
      • Generics
      • Supported Constructs in Interface Definitions
      • Associated Types
      • Generic Value Parameters
      • Type Equality Constraints
      • Interface-typed Values
      • Extending a Type with Additional Interface Conformances
      • `is` and `as` Operator
      • Generic Interfaces
      • Generic Extensions
      • Extensions to Interfaces
      • Variadic Generics
      • Builtin Interfaces
    • Automatic Differentiation
    • Compiling Code with Slang
    • Using the Reflection API
    • Supported Compilation Targets
    • Link-time Specialization and Module Precompilation
    • Special Topics
    • Target-specific features
    • Reference

Interfaces and Generics

This chapter covers two interrelated Slang language features: interfaces and generics. We will talk about what they are, how do they relate to similar features in other languages, how are they parsed and translated by the compiler, and show examples on how these features simplifies and modularizes shader code.


Interfaces are used to define the methods and services a type should provide. You can define a interface as the following example:

interface IFoo
    int myMethod(float arg);

Slang’s syntax for defining interfaces are similar to interfaces in C# and protocols in Swift. In this example, the IFoo interface establishes a contract that any type conforming to this interface must provide a method named myMethod that accepts a float argument and returns an int value.

A struct type may declare its conformance to an interface via the following syntax:

struct MyType : IFoo
    int myMethod(float arg)
        return (int)arg + 1;

By declaring the conformance to IFoo, the definition of MyType must include a method named myMethod with a matching signature to that defined in the IFoo interface to satisfy the declared conformance. If a type misses any methods required by the interface, the Slang compiler will generate an error message.

A struct type may declare multiple interface conformances:

interface IBar { uint myMethod2(uint2 x); }

struct MyType : IFoo, IBar
    int myMethod(float arg) {...}
    uint myMethod2(uint2 x) {...}

In this case, the definition of MyType must satisfy the requirements from both the IFoo and IBar interfaces by providing both the myMethod and myMethod2 methods.


Generics can be used to eliminate duplicate code for shared logic that operates on different types. The following example shows how to define a generic method in Slang.

int myGenericMethod<T>(T arg) where T : IFoo
    return arg.myMethod(1.0);

The above listing defines a generic method named myGenericMethod, which accepts an argument that can be of any type T as long as T conforms to the IFoo interface. The T here is called a generic type parameter, and it is associated with an type constraint in the following where clause to indicate that any type represented by T must conform to the interface IFoo.

The following listing shows how to invoke a generic method:

MyType obj;
int a = myGenericMethod<MyType>(obj); // OK, explicit type argument
int b = myGenericMethod(obj); // OK, automatic type deduction

You may explicitly specify the concrete type to used for the generic type argument, by providing the types in angular brackets after the method name, or leave it to the compiler to automatically deduce the type from the argument list.

Note that it is important to associate a generic type parameter with a type constraint. In the above example, although the definition of myGenericMethod is agnostic of the concrete type T will stand for, knowing that T conforms to IFoo allows the compiler to type-check and pre-compile myGenericMethod without needing to substitute T with any concrete types first. Similar to languages like C#, Rust, Swift and Java, leaving out the type constraint declaration on type parameter T will result in a compile error at the line calling arg.myMethod since the compiler cannot verify that arg has a member named myMethod without any knowledge on T. This is a major difference of Slang’s generics compared to templates in C++.

While C++ templates are a powerful language mechanism, Slang has followed the path of many other modern programming languages to adopt the more structural and restricted generics feature instead. This enables the Slang compiler to perform type checking early to give more readable error messages, and to speed-up compilation by reusing a lot of work for different instantiations of myGenericMethod.

A generic parameter can also be a value. Currently, integer, bool and enum types are allowed as the type for a generic value parameter. Generic value parameters are declared with the let keyword. For example:

void g1<let n : int>() { ... }

enum MyEnum { A, B, C }
void g2<let e : MyEnum>() { ... }

void g3<let b : bool>() { ... }

Alternative Syntax

Alternatively, you can use __generic keyword to define generic parameters before the method:

__generic<typename T> // `typename` is optional.
int myGenericMethod(T arg) where T : IFoo
    return arg.myMethod(1.0);

The same method can be defined in an alternative simplified syntax without the where clause:

int myGenericMethod<T:IFoo>(T arg) { ... }

Generic value parameters can also be defined using the traditional C-style syntax:

void g1<typename T, int n>() { ... }

Slang allows multiple where clauses, and multiple interface types in a single where clause:

struct MyType<T, U>
    where T: IFoo, IBar
    where U : IBaz<T>
// equivalent to:
struct MyType<T, U>
    where T: IFoo
    where T : IBar
    where U : IBaz<T>

Supported Constructs in Interface Definitions

Slang supports many other constructs in addition to ordinary methods as a part of an interface definition.


interface IFoo
    property int count {get; set;}

The above listing declares that any conforming type must define a property named count with both a getter and a setter method.

Generic Methods

interface IFoo
    int compute<T>(T val) where T : IBar;

The above listing declares that any conforming type must define a generic method named compute that has one generic type parameter conforming to the IBar interface.

Static Methods

interface IFoo
    static int compute(int val);

The above listing declares that any conforming type must define a static method named compute. This allows the following generic method to pass type-checking:

void f<T>() where T : IFoo
    T.compute(5); // OK, T has a static method `compute`.

Static Constants

You can define static constant requirements in an interface. The constants can be accessed in places where a compile-time constant is needed.

interface IMyValue
    static const int value;
struct MyObject2 : IMyValue
    static const int value = 2;
struct GetValuePlus1<T:IMyValue>
    static const int value = T.value + 1;

static const int result = GetValuePlus1<MyObject2>.value;  // result == 3

This Type

You may use a special keyword This in interface definitions to refer to the type that is conforming to the interface. The following examples demonstrate a use of This type:

interface IComparable
    int comparesTo(This other);
struct MyObject : IComparable
    int val;
    int comparesTo(MyObject other)
        return val < other.val ? -1 : 1;

In this example, the IComparable interface declares that any conforming type must provide a comparesTo method that performs a comparison between an object to another object of the same type. The MyObject type satisfies this requirement by providing a comparesTo method that accepts a MyObject typed argument, since in the scope of MyObject, This type is equivalent to MyObject.


Consider a generic method that wants to create and initialize a new instance of generic type T:

void f<T:IFoo>()
    T obj = /*a newly initialized T*/

One way to implement this is to introduce a static method requirement in IFoo:

interface IFoo
    static This create();

With this interface definition, we can define f as following:

void f<T:IFoo>()
    T obj = T.create();

This solution works just fine, but it would be nicer if you can just write:

T obj = T();

Or simply

T obj;

And let the compiler invoke the default initializer defined in the type. To enable this, you can include an initializer requirement in the interface definition:

interface IFoo

Initializers with parameters are supported as well. For example:

interface IFoo
    __init(int a, int b);
void g<T:IFoo>()
    T obj = {1, 2}; // OK, invoking the initializer on T.

Associated Types

When writing code using interfaces and generics, there are some situations where an interface method needs to return an object whose type is implementation-dependent. For example, consider the following IFloatContainer interface that represents a container of float values:

// Represents a container of float values.
interface IFloatContainer
    // Returns the number of elements in this container.
    uint getCount();
    // Returns an iterator representing the start of the container.
    Iterator begin();
    // Returns an iterator representing the end of the container.
    Iterator end();
    // Return the element at the location represented by `iter`.
    float getElementAt(Iterator iter);

An implementation of the IFloatContainer interface may use different types of iterators. For example, an implementation that is simply an array of floats can expose Iterator as a simple integer index:

struct ArrayFloatContainer : IFloatContainer
    float content[10];
    uint getCount() { return 10; }
    uint begin() { return 0; }
    uint end() { return 10; }
    float getElementAt(uint iter) { return content[iter]; }

On the other hand, an implementation that uses multiple buffers as the backing storage may use a more complex type to locate an element:

// Exposes values in two `StructuredBuffer`s as a single container.
struct MultiArrayFloatContainer : IFloatContainer
    StructuredBuffer<float> firstBuffer;
    StructuredBuffer<float> secondBuffer;
    uint getCount() { return getBufferSize(firstBuffer) + getBufferSize(secondBuffer); }

    // `uint2.x` indicates which buffer, `uint2.y` indicates the index within the buffer.
    uint2 begin() { return uint2(0,0); }
    uint2 end() { return uint2 (1, getBufferSize(secondBuffer)); }
    float getElementAt(uint2 iter)
        if (iter.x == 0) return firstBuffer[iter.y];
        else return secondBuffer[iter.y];

Ideally, a generic function that wishes to enumerate values in a IFloatContainer shouldn’t need to care about the implementation details on what the concrete type of Iterator is, and we would like to be able to write the following:

float sum<T:IFloatContainer>(T container)
    float result = 0.0f;
    for (T.Iterator iter = container.begin(); iter != container.end(); iter=iter.next())
        float val = container.getElementAt(iter);
        result += val;
    return result;

Here the sum function simply wants to access all the elements and sum them up. The details of what the Iterator type actually is does not matter to the definition of sum.

The problem is that the IFloatContainer interface definition requires methods like begin(), end() and getElementAt() to refer to a iterator type that is implementation dependent. How should the signature of these methods be defined in the interface? The answer is to use associated types.

In addition to constructs listed in the previous section, Slang also supports defining associated types in an interface definition. An associated type can be defined as following.

// The interface for an iterator type.
interface IIterator
    // An iterator needs to know how to move to the next element.
    This next();

interface IFloatContainer
    // Requires an implementation to define a typed named `Iterator` that
    // conforms to the `IIterator` interface.
    associatedtype Iterator : IIterator;

    // Returns the number of elements in this container.
    uint getCount();
    // Returns an iterator representing the start of the container.
    Iterator begin();
    // Returns an iterator representing the end of the container.
    Iterator end();
    // Return the element at the location represented by `iter`.
    float getElementAt(Iterator iter);

This associatedtype definition in IFloatContainer requires that all types conforming to this interface must also define a type in its scope named Iterator, and this iterator type must conform to the IIterator interface. An implementation to the IFloatContainer interface by using either a typedef declaration or a struct definition inside its scope to satisfy the associated type requirement. For example, the ArrayFloatContainer can be implemented as following:

struct ArrayIterator : IIterator
    uint index;
    __init(int x) { index = x; }
    ArrayIterator next()
        return ArrayIterator(index + 1);
struct ArrayFloatContainer : IFloatContainer
    float content[10];

    // Specify that the associated `Iterator` type is `ArrayIterator`.
    typedef ArrayIterator Iterator;

    Iterator getCount() { return 10; }
    Iterator begin() { return ArrayIterator(0); }
    Iterator end() { return ArrayIterator(10); }
    float getElementAt(Iterator iter) { return content[iter.index]; }

Alternatively, you may also define the Iterator type directly inside a struct implementation, as in the following definition for MultiArrayFloatContainer:

// Exposes values in two `StructuredBuffer`s as a single container.
struct MultiArrayFloatContainer : IFloatContainer
    // Represents an iterator of this container
    struct Iterator : IIterator
        // `index.x` indicates which buffer the element is located in.
        // `index.y` indicates which the index of the element inside the buffer.
        uint2 index;

        // We also need to keep a size of the first buffer so we know when to
        // switch to the second buffer.
        uint firstBufferSize;

        // Implementation of IIterator.next()
        Iterator next()
            Iterator result;
            result.index.x = index.x;
            result.index.y = index.y + 1;
            // If we are at the end of the first buffer,
            // move to the head of the second buffer
            if (result.index.x == 0 && result.index.y == firstBufferSize)
                result.index = uint2(1, 0);
            return result;

    StructuredBuffer<float> firstBuffer;
    StructuredBuffer<float> secondBuffer;
    uint getCount() { return getBufferSize(firstBuffer) + getBufferSize(secondBuffer); }

    Iterator begin()
        Iterator iter;
        iter.index = uint2(0, 0);
        iter.firstBufferSize = getBufferSize(firstBuffer);
        return iter;
    Iterator end()
        Iterator iter;
        iter.index = uint2(1, getBufferSize(secondBuffer));
        iter.firstBufferSize = 0;
        return iter;
    float getElementAt(Iterator iter)
        if (ite.indexr.x == 0) return firstBuffer[iter.index.y];
        else return secondBuffer[iter.index.y];

In summary, an associatedtype requirement in an interface is similar to other types of requirements: a method requirement means that an implementation must provide a method matching the interface signature, while an associatedtype requirement means that an implementation must provide a type in its scope with the matching name and interface constraint. In general, when defining an interface that is producing and consuming an object whose actual type is implementation-dependent, the type of this object can often be modeled as an associated type in the interface.

Comparing Generics to C++ Templates

Readers who are familiar with C++ could easily relate the Iterator example in previous subsection to the implementation of STL. In C++, the sum function can be easily written with templates:

template<typename TContainer>
float sum(const TContainer& container)
    float result = 0.0f;
    // Assumes `TContainer` has a type `Iterator` that supports `operator++`.
    for (TContainer::Iterator iter = container.begin(); iter != container.end(); ++iter)
        result += container.getElementAt(iter);
    return result;

A C++ programmer can implement ArrayFloatContainer as following:

struct ArrayFloatContainer
    float content[10];

    typedef uint32_t Iterator;

    Iterator getCount() { return 10; }
    Iterator begin() { return 0; }
    Iterator end() { return 10; }
    float getElementAt(Iterator iter) { return content[iter]; }

Because C++ does not require a template function to define constraints on the templated type, there are no interfaces or inheritances involved in the definition of ArrayFloatContainer. However ArrayFloatContainer still needs to define what its Iterator type is, so the sum function can be successfully specialized with an ArrayFloatContainer.

Note that the biggest difference between C++ templates and generics is that templates are not type-checked prior to specialization, and therefore the code that consumes a templated type (TContainer in this example) can simply assume container has a method named getElementAt, and the TContainer scope provides a type definition for TContainer::Iterator. Compiler error only arises when the programmer is attempting to specialize the sum function with a type that does not meet these assumptions. Contrarily, Slang requires all possible uses of a generic type be declared through an interface. By stating that TContainer:IContainer in the generics declaration, the Slang compiler can verify that container.getElementAt is calling a valid function. Similarly, the interface also tells the compiler that TContainer.Iterator is a valid type and enables the compiler to fully type check the sum function without specializing it first.

Similarity to Swift and Rust

Slang’s associatedtype shares the same semantic meaning with associatedtype in a Swift protocol or type in a Rust trait, except that Slang currently does not support the more general where clause in these languages. C# does not have an equivalent to associatedtype, and programmers need to resort to generic interfaces to achieve similar goals.

Generic Value Parameters

So far we have demonstrated generics with type parameters. Additionally, Slang also supports generic value parameters. The following listing shows an example of generic value parameters.

struct Array<T, let N : int>
    T arrayContent[N];

In this example, the Array type has a generic type parameter, T, that is used as the element type of the arrayContent array, and a generic value parameter N of integer type.

Note that the builtin vector<float, N> type also has an generic value parameter N.


The only type of generic value parameters are int, uint and bool. float and other types cannot be used in a generic value parameter. Computations in a type expression are supported as long as they can be evaluated at compile time. For example, vector<float, 1+1> is allowed and considered equivalent to vector<float, 2>.

Type Equality Constraints

In addition to type conformance constraints as in where T : IFoo, Slang also supports type equality constraints. This is mostly useful in specifying additional constraints for associated types. For example:

interface IFoo { associatedtype A; }

// Access all T that conforms to IFoo, and T.A is `int`.
void foo<T>(T v)
    where T : IFoo
    where T.A == int

struct X : IFoo
    typealias A = int;

struct Y : IFoo
    typealias A = float;

void test()
    foo<X>(X()); // OK
    foo<Y>(Y()); // Error, `Y` cannot be used for `T`.

Interface-typed Values

So far we have been using interfaces as constraints to generic type parameters. For example, the following listing defines a generic function with a type parameter TTransform constrained by interface ITransform:

interface ITransform
    int compute(MyObject obj);

// Defining a generic method:
int apply<TTransform : ITransform>(TTransform transform, MyObject object)
    return transform.compute(object);

While Slang’s syntax for defining generic methods bears similarity to generics in C#/Java and templates in C++ and should be easy to users who are familiar with these languages, codebases that make heavy use of generics can quickly become verbose and difficult to read. To reduce the amount of boilerplate, Slang supports an alternate way to define the apply method by using the interface type ITransform as parameter type directly:

// A method that is equivalent to `apply` but uses simpler syntax:
int apply_simple(ITransform transform, MyObject object)
    return transform.compute(object);

Instead of defining a generic type parameter TTransform and a method parameter transform that has TTransform type, you can simply define the same apply function like a normal method, with a transform parameter whose type is an interface. From the Slang compiler’s view, apply and apply_simple will be compiled to the same target code.

In addition to parameters, Slang allows variables, and function return values to have an interface type as well:

ITransform test(ITransform arg)
    ITransform v = arg;
    return v;

Restrictions and Caveats

The Slang compiler always attempts to determine the actual type of an interface-typed value at compile time and specialize the code with the actual type. As long as the compiler can successfully determine the actual type, code that uses interface-typed values are equivalent to code written in the generics syntax. However, when interface types are used in function return values, the compiler will not be able to trivially propagate type information. For example:

ITransform getTransform(int x)
    if (x == 0)
        Type1Transform rs = {};
        return rs;
        Type2Transform rs = {};
        return rs;

In this example, the actual type of the return value is dependent on the value of x, which may not be known at compile time. This means that the concrete type of the return value at invocation sites of getTransform may not be statically determinable. When the Slang compiler cannot infer the concrete type of an interface-type value, it will generate code that performs a dynamic dispatch based on the concrete type of the value at runtime, which may introduce performance overhead. Note that this behavior applies to function return values in the form of out parameters as well:

void getTransform(int x, out ITransform transform)
    if (x == 0)
        Type1Transform rs = {};
        transform = rs;
        Type2Transform rs = {};
        transform = rs;

This getTransform definition can also result in dynamic dispatch code since the type of transform may not be statically determinable.

When the compiler is generating dynamic dispatch code for interface-typed values, it requires the concrete type of the interface-typed value to be free of any opaque-typed fields (e.g. resources and buffer types). A compiler error will generated upon such attempts:

struct MyTransform : ITransform
    StructuredBuffer<int> buffer;
    int compute(MyObject obj)
        return buffer[0];

ITransform getTransform(int x)
    MyTransform rs;
    // Error: cannot use an opaque value as an interface-typed return value.
    return rs;

Assigning different values to a mutable interface-typed variable also undermines the compiler’s ability to statically determine the type of the variable, and is not supported by the Slang compiler today:

void test(int x)
    ITransform t = Type1Transform();
    // Do something ...
    // Assign a different type of transform to `t`:
    // (Not supported by Slang today)
    t = Type2Transform();
    // Do something else...

In general, if the use of interface-typed values is restricted to function parameters only, then the all code that involves interface-typed values will be compiled the same way as if the code is written using standard generics syntax.

Extending a Type with Additional Interface Conformances

In the previous chapter, we introduced the extension feature that lets you define new members to an existing type in a separate location outside the original definition of the type.

extensions can be used to make an existing type conform to additional interfaces. Suppose we have an interface IFoo and a type MyObject that implements the interface:

interface IFoo
    int foo();

struct MyObject : IFoo
    int foo() { return 0; }

Now we introduce another interface, IBar:

interface IBar
    float bar();

We can define an extension to make MyObject conform to IBar as well:

extension MyObject : IBar
    float bar() { return 1.0f }

With this extension, we can use MyObject in places that expects an IBar as well:

void use(IBar b)

void test()
    MyObject obj;
    use(obj); // OK, `MyObject` is extended to conform to `IBar`.

You may define more than one interface conformances in a single extension:

interface IBar2
    float bar2();
extension MyObject : IBar, IBar2
    float bar() { return 1.0f }
    float bar2() { return 2.0f }

is and as Operator

You can use is operator to test if an interface-typed value is of a specific concrete type, and use as operator to downcast the value into a specific type. The as operator returns an Optional<T> that is not none if the downcast succeeds.

interface IFoo
    int foo();
struct MyImpl : IFoo
    int foo() { return 0; }
void test(IFoo foo)
    bool t = foo is MyImpl; // true
    Optional<MyImpl> optV = foo as MyImpl;
    if (t == (optV != none))
void main()
    MyImpl v;
// Result:
// "success"

In addition to casting from an interface type to a concrete type, as and is operator can be used on generic types as well to cast a generic type into a concrete type. For example:

T compute<T>(T a1, T a2)
    if (a1 is float)
        return reinterpret<T>((a1 as float).value + (a2 as float).value);
    else if (T is int)
        return reinterpret<T>((a1 as int).value - (a2 as int).value);
    return T();
// compute(1.0f, 2.0f) == 3.0f
// compute(3, 1) == 2

Since as operator returns a Optional<T> type, it can also be used in the if predicate to test if an object can be casted to a specific type, once the cast test is successful, the object can be used in the if block as the casted type without the need to retrieve the Optional<T>::value property, for example:

interface IFoo
    void foo();

struct MyImpl1 : IFoo
    void foo() { printf("MyImpl1");}

struct MyImpl2 : IFoo
    void foo() { printf("MyImpl2");}

struct MyImpl3 : IFoo
    void foo() { printf("MyImpl3");}

void test(IFoo foo)
    // This syntax will be desugared to the following:
    // {
    //      Optional<MyImpl1> optVar = foo as MyImpl1;
    //      if (optVar.hasValue)
    //      {
    //          MyImpl1 t = optVar.value;
    //          t.foo();
    //      }
    //      else if ...
    // }
    if (let t = foo as MyImpl1) // t is of type MyImpl1
    else if (let t = foo as MyImpl2) // t is of type MyImpl2

void main()
    MyImpl1 v1;

    MyImpl2 v2;

See if-let syntax for more details.

Generic Interfaces

Slang allows interfaces themselves to be generic. A common use of generic interfaces is to define the IEnumerable type:

interface IEnumerator<T>
    This moveNext();
    bool isEnd();
    T getValue();

interface IEnumerable<T>
    associatedtype Enumerator : IEnumerator<T>;
    Enumerator getEnumerator();

You can constrain a generic type parameter to conform to a generic interface:

void traverse<TElement, TCollection>(TCollection c)
    where TCollection : IEnumerable<TElement>

Generic Extensions

You can use generic extensions to extend a generic type. For example,

interface IFoo { void foo(); }
interface IBar { void bar(); }

struct MyType<T : IFoo>
    void foo() { ... }

// Extend `MyType<T>` so it conforms to `IBar`.
extension<T:IFoo> MyType<T> : IBar
    void bar() { ... }
// Equivalent to:
extension MyType<T> : IBar
    void bar() { ... }

Extensions to Interfaces

In addition to extending ordinary types, you can define extensions on all types that conforms to some interface:

// An example interface.
interface IFoo
    int foo();

// Extend any type `T` that conforms to `IFoo` with a `bar` method.
extension<T:IFoo> T
    int bar() { return 0; }

int use(IFoo foo)
    // With the extension, all uses of `IFoo` typed values
    // can assume there is a `bar` method.
    return foo.bar();

Note that interface types cannot be extended, because extending an interface with new requirements would make all existing types that conforms to the interface no longer valid.

In the presence of extensions, it is possible for a type to have multiple ways to conform to an interface. In this case, Slang will always prefer the more specific conformance over the generic one. For example, the following code illustrates this behavior:

interface IBase{}
interface IFoo
    int foo();

// MyObject directly implements IBase:
struct MyObject : IBase, IFoo
    int foo() { return 0; }

// Generic extension that applies to all types that conforms to `IBase`:
extension<T:IBase> T : IFoo
    int foo() { return 1; }

int helper<T:IFoo>(T obj)
    return obj.foo();

int test()
    MyObject obj;

    // Returns 0, the conformance defined directly by the type
    // is preferred.
    return helper(obj);

This feature is similar to extension traits in Rust.

Variadic Generics

Slang supports variadic generic type parameters:

struct MyType<each T>

Here each T defines a generic type pack parameter that can be a list of zero or more types. Therefore, the following instantiation of MyType is valid:

MyType // OK
MyType<int> // OK
MyType<int, float, void> // OK

A common use of variadic generics is to define printf:

void printf<each T>(String message, expand each T args) { ... }

The type syntax expand each T represents a expansion of the type pack T. Therefore, the type of args parameter is an expanded type pack. The expand expression can be thought of a map operation of a type pack. For example, give type pack T = int, float, bool, expand each T evaluates to the type pack of the same types, i.e. expand each T ==> int, float, bool. As a more interesting example, expand S<each T> will evaluate to S<int>, S<float>, S<bool>.

You can use expand expression on tuple or type-pack values to compute an expression for each element of the tuple or type pack. For example:

void printNumbers<each T>(expand each T args) where T == int
    // An single expression statement whose type will be `(void, void, ...)`.
    // where each `void` is the result of evaluating expression `printf(...)` with
    // each corresponding element in `args` passed as print operand.
    expand printf("%d\n", each args);

    // The above statement is equivalent to:
    // ```
    // (printf("%d\n", args[0]), printf("%d\n", args[1]), ..., printf("%d\n", args[n-1]));
    // ```
void compute<each T>(expand each T args) where T == int
    // Maps every element in `args` to `elementValue + 1`, and forward the
    // new values as arguments to `printNumber`.
    printNumber(expand (each args) + 1);

    // The above statement is equivalent to:
    // ```
    // printNumber(args[0] + 1, args[1] + 1, ..., args[n-1] + 1);
    // ```
void test()
    // Prints:
    // 2
    // 3
    // 4

As another example, you can use expand expression to sum up elements in a variadic argument pack:

void accumulateHelper(inout int dest, int value) { dest += value; }

void sum<each T>(expand each T args) where T == int
    int result = 0;
    expand accumulateHelper(result, each args);

    // The above statement is equivalent to:
    // ```
    // (accumulateHelper(result, args[0]), accumulateHelper(result, args[1]), ..., accumulateHelper(result, args[n-1]));
    // ```

    return result;

void test()
    int x = sum(1,2,3); // x == 6

Note that a variadic type pack parameter must appear at the end of a parameter list. If a generic type contains more than one type pack parameters, then each type pack must contain the same number of arguments at instantiation sites.

Builtin Interfaces

Slang supports the following builtin interfaces:

  • IComparable, provides methods for comparing two values of the conforming type. Supported by all basic data types, vector types and matrix types.
  • IRangedValue, provides methods for retrieving the minimum and maximum value expressed by the range of the type. Supported by all integer and floating-point scalar types.
  • IArithmetic, provides methods for the +, -, *, /, % and negating operations. Also provide a method for explicit conversion from int. Implemented by all builtin integer and floating-point scalar, vector and matrix types.
  • ILogical, provides methods for all bit operations and logical and, or, not operations. Also provide a method for explicit conversion from int. Implemented by all builtin integer scalar, vector and matrix types.
  • IInteger, represents a logical integer that supports both IArithmetic and ILogical operations. Implemented by all builtin integer scalar types.
  • IDifferentiable, represents a value that is differentiable.
  • IFloat, represents a logical float that supports both IArithmetic, ILogical and IDifferentiable operations. Also provides methods to convert to and from float. Implemented by all builtin floating-point scalar, vector and matrix types.
  • IArray<T>, represents a logical array that supports retrieving an element of type T from an index. Implemented by array types, vectors, matrices and StructuredBuffer.
  • IRWArray<T>, represents a logical array whose elements are mutable. Implemented by array types, vectors, matrices, RWStructuredBuffer and RasterizerOrderedStructuredBuffer.
  • IFunc<TResult, TParams...> represent a callable object (with operator()) that returns TResult and takes TParams... as argument.
  • IMutatingFunc<TResult, TParams...>, similar to IFunc, but the operator() method is [mutating].
  • IDifferentiableFunc<TResult, TParams...>, similar to IFunc, but the operator() method is [Differentiable].
  • IDifferentiableMutatingFunc<TResult, TParams...>, similar to IFunc, but the operator() method is [Differentiable] and [mutating].
  • __EnumType, implemented by all enum types.
  • __BuiltinIntegerType, implemented by all integer scalar types.
  • __BuiltinFloatingPointType, implemented by all floating-point scalar types.
  • __BuiltinArithmeticType, implemented by all integer and floating-point scalar types.
  • __BuiltinLogicalType, implemented by all integer types and the bool type.

Operator overloads are defined for IArithmetic, ILogical, IInteger, IFloat, __BuiltinIntegerType, __BuiltinFloatingPointType, __BuiltinArithmeticType and __BuiltinLogicalType types, so the following code is valid:

T f<T:IFloat>(T x, T y)
    if (x > T(0))
        return x + y;
        return x - y;
void test()
    let rs = f(float3(4), float3(5)); // rs = float3(9,9,9)