• Slang User's Guide
    • Introduction
      • Why use Slang?
      • Who is Slang for?
      • Who is this guide for?
      • Goals and Non-Goals
    • Getting Started with Slang
      • Installation
      • Your first Slang shader
      • The full example
    • Conventional Language Features
      • Types
      • Expressions
      • Statements
      • Functions
      • Preprocessor
      • Attributes
      • Global Variables and Shader Parameters
      • Shader Entry Points
      • Mixed Shader Entry Points
      • Auto-Generated Constructors
      • Initializer Lists
    • Basic Convenience Features
      • Type Inference in Variable Definitions
      • Immutable Values
      • Namespaces
      • Member functions
      • Properties
      • Initializers
      • Operator Overloading
      • Subscript Operator
      • Tuple Types
      • `Optional<T>` type
      • `if_let` syntax
      • `reinterpret<T>` operation
      • Pointers (limited)
      • `struct` inheritance (limited)
      • Extensions
      • Multi-level break
      • Force inlining
      • Special Scoping Syntax
      • User Defined Attributes (Experimental)
    • Modules and Access Control
      • Defining a Module
      • Importing a Module
      • Access Control
      • Legacy Modules
    • Capabilities
      • Capability Atoms and Capability Requirements
      • Conflicting Capabilities
      • Requirements in Parent Scope
      • Inferrence of Capability Requirements
      • Inferrence on target_switch
      • Capability Aliases
      • Validation of Capability Requirements
    • Interfaces and Generics
      • Interfaces
      • Generics
      • Supported Constructs in Interface Definitions
      • Associated Types
      • Generic Value Parameters
      • Type Equality Constraints
      • Interface-typed Values
      • Extending a Type with Additional Interface Conformances
      • `is` and `as` Operator
      • Generic Interfaces
      • Generic Extensions
      • Extensions to Interfaces
      • Variadic Generics
      • Builtin Interfaces
    • Automatic Differentiation
      • Using Automatic Differentiation in Slang
      • Mathematic Concepts and Terminologies
      • Differentiable Types
      • Forward Derivative Propagation Function
      • Backward Derivative Propagation Function
      • Builtin Differentiable Functions
      • Primal Substitute Functions
      • Working with Mixed Differentiable and Non-Differentiable Code
      • Higher Order Differentiation
      • Interactions with Generics and Interfaces
      • Restrictions of Automatic Differentiation
    • Compiling Code with Slang
      • Concepts
      • Command-Line Compilation with `slangc`
      • Using the Compilation API
      • Multithreading
      • Compiler Options
      • Debugging
    • Using the Reflection API
      • Program Reflection
      • Variable Layouts
      • Type Layouts
      • Arrays
      • Structures
      • Entry Points
      • Function Reflection
    • Supported Compilation Targets
      • Background and Terminology
      • Direct3D 11
      • Direct3D 12
      • Vulkan
      • OpenGL
      • Metal
      • CUDA and OptiX
      • CPU Compute
      • Summary
    • Link-time Specialization and Module Precompilation
      • Link-time Constants
      • Link-time Types
      • Providing Default Settings
      • Restrictions
      • Using Precompiling Modules with the API
      • Additional Remarks
    • Special Topics
      • Handling Matrix Layout Differences on Different Platforms
        • Two conventions of matrix transform math
        • Discussion
        • Matrix Layout
        • Overriding default matrix layout
      • Using Slang to Write PyTorch Kernels
        • Getting Started with SlangTorch
        • Specializing shaders using slangtorch
        • Back-propagating Derivatives through Complex Access Patterns
        • Manually binding kernels
        • Builtin Library Support for PyTorch Interop
        • Type Marshalling Between Slang and Python
      • Obfuscation
        • Obfuscation in Slang
        • Using An Obfuscated Module
        • Accessing Source Maps
        • Accessing Source Maps without Files
        • Emit Source Maps
        • Issues/Future Work
      • Interoperation with Target-Specific Code
        • Defining Intrinsic Functions for Textual Targets
        • Defining Intrinsic Types
        • Injecting Preludes
        • Managing Cross-Platform Code
        • Inline SPIRV Assembly
      • Uniformity Analysis
        • Treat Values as Uniform
        • Treat Function Return Values as Non-uniform
    • Target-specific features
      • SPIR-V specific functionalities
        • Experimental support for the older versions of SPIR-V
        • Combined texture sampler
        • System-Value semantics
        • Behavior of `discard` after SPIR-V 1.6
        • Supported HLSL features when targeting SPIR-V
        • Unsupported GLSL keywords when targeting SPIR-V
        • Supported atomic types for each target
        • ConstantBuffer, (RW/RasterizerOrdered)StructuredBuffer, (RW/RasterizerOrdered)ByteAddressBuffer
        • ParameterBlock for SPIR-V target
        • Push Constants
        • Specialization Constants
        • SPIR-V specific Compiler options
        • SPIR-V specific Attributes
        • Multiple entry points support
        • Memory pointer is experimental
        • Matrix type translation
        • Legalization
        • Tessellation
    • Reference
      • Capability Profiles
      • Capability Atoms
        • Targets
        • Stages
        • Versions
        • Extensions
        • Compound Capabilities
        • Other

Using the Reflection API

Some applications need to perform reflection on shader parameters and their layout, whether at runtime or as part of an offline compilation tool. The Slang API allows layout to be queried on any program object represented by an IComponentType using getLayout():

slang::ProgramLayout* layout = program->getLayout();

Please see the Compiling Code with Slang section on creating program objects.

Note that just as with output code, the reflection object (and all other objects queried from it) is guaranteed to live as long as the request is alive, but no longer. Unlike the other data, there is no easy way to save the reflection data for later user (we do not currently implement serialization for reflection data). Applications are encouraged to extract whatever information they need before destroying the compilation request.

Program Reflection

When looking at the whole program (slang::ShaderReflection) we can enumerate global-scope shader parameters:

unsigned parameterCount = shaderReflection->getParameterCount();
for(unsigned pp = 0; pp < parameterCount; pp++)
	slang::VariableLayoutReflection* parameter =
	// ...

We can also enumerate the compile entry points, in order to inspect their parameters:

SlangUInt entryPointCount = shaderReflection->getEntryPointCount();
for(SlangUInt ee = 0; ee < entryPointCount; ee++)
	slang::EntryPointReflection* entryPoint =
	// ...

Slang’s reflection API does not currently expose by-name lookup of parameters, but this is obviously a desirable feature.

Variable Layouts

In the Slang reflection API, we draw a distinction between a variable (a particular declaration in the code), from a variable layout which has been laid out according to some API-specific rules. It is possible for the same variable (e.g., a struct field) to be laid out multiple times, with different results (e.g., if the same struct type is used both for a cbuffer member and a varying shader in parameter).

For most purposes, a VariableLayoutReflection represents what a shading language user thinks of as a “shader parameter.” We can query a parameter for its name:

char const* parameterName = parameter->getName();

An application will typically want to know where a parameter got “bound.” In the simple case, we can query this information directly:

slang::ParameterCategory category = parameter->getCategory();
unsigned index = parameter->getBindingIndex();
unsigned space = parameter->getBindingSpace() + parameter->getOffset(SLANG_PARAMETER_CATEGORY_SUB_ELEMENT_REGISTER_SPACE);

For a simple global-scope “resource” parameter (e.g., HLSL Texture2D t : register(t3)) the category tells what kind of resource the parameter consumes (e.g., slang::ParameterCategory::ShaderResource), the index gives the register number (3), and space gives the register “space” (0) as added for D3D12.

In the case of SPIR-V output a binding index corresponds to the binding layout qualifier, and the binding space corresponds to the set. The main difference from D3D is that the category will usually be slang::ParameterCategory::DescriptorTableSlot.

Textures, samplers, and constant buffers all follow this same basic pattern. For uniform parameters (e.g., members of an HLSL cbuffer), the binding “space” is unused, the category is slang::ParameterCategory::Uniform, and the “index” is the byte offset of the parameter in its parent.

The above are the simple cases, where a parameter only consumes a single kind of resource. In HLSL, however, we can do things like combine textures, samplers, and uniform values in a struct type, so given a parameter of such a type, the reflection API needs to be able to report appropriate layout information for each of the different categories of resource.

If getCategory() returns slang::ParameterCategory::Mixed, then the user can query additional information:

unsigned categoryCount = parameter->getCategoryCount();
for(unsigned cc = 0; cc < categoryCount; cc++)
	slang::ParameterCategory category = parameter->getCategoryByIndex(cc);

	size_t offsetForCategory = parameter->getOffset(category);
	size_t spaceForCategory = parameter->getBindingSpace(category)

	// ...

A loop like this lets you enumerate all of the resource types consumed by a parameter, and get a starting offset (and space) for each category.

Type Layouts

Just knowing where a shader parameter starts is only part of the story, of course. We also need to know how many resources (e.g., registers, bytes of uniform data, …) it consumes, how many elements it occupies (if it is an array), and what “sub-parameters” it might include.

For these kinds of queries, we need to look at the type layout of a parameter:

slang::TypeLayoutReflection* typeLayout = parameter->getTypeLayout();

Just as with the distinction between a variable and a variable layout, a type layout represents a particular type in the source code that has been laid out according to API-specific rules. A single type like float[10] might be laid out differently in different contexts (e.g., using GLSL std140 vs. std430 rules).

The first thing we want to know about a type is its kind:

slang::TypeReflection::Kind kind = typeLayout->getKind();

The available cases for slang::TypeReflection::Kind include Scalar, Vector, Array, Struct, etc.

For any type layout, you can query the resources it consumes, or a particular parameter category:

// query the number of bytes of constant-buffer storage used by a type layout
size_t sizeInBytes = typeLayout->getSize(slang::ParameterCategory::Uniform);

// query the number of HLSL `t` registers used by a type layout
size_t tRegCount = typeLayout->getSize(slang::ParameterCategory::ShaderResource);


If you have a type layout with kind Array you can query information about the number and type of elements:

size_t arrayElementCount = typeLayout->getElementCount();
slang::TypeLayoutReflection* elementTypeLayout = typeLayout->getElementTypeLayout();
sie_t arrayElementStride = typeLayout->getElementStride(category);

An array of unknown size will currently report zero elements. The “stride” of an array is the amount of resources (e.g., the number of bytes of uniform data) that need to be skipped between consecutive array elements. This need not be the same as elementTypeLayout->getSize(category), and there are two notable cases to be aware of:

  • An array in a constant buffer may have a stride larger than the element size. E.g., a float a[10] in a D3D or std140 constant buffer will have 4-byte elements, but a stride of 16.

  • An array of resources in Vulkan will have a stride of zero descriptor-table slots, because the entire array is allocated a single binding.


If you have a type layout with kind Struct, you can query information about the fields:

unsigned fieldCount = typeLayout->getFieldCount();
for(unsigned ff = 0; ff < fieldCount; ff++)
	VariableLayoutReflection* field = typeLayout->getFieldByIndex(ff);
	// ...

Each field is represented as a full variable layout, so application code can recursively extract full information.

An important caveat to be aware of when recursing into structure types like this, is that the layout information on a field is relative to the start of the parent type layout, and not absolute. This is perhaps not surprising in the case of slang::ParameterCategory::Uniform: if you ask a field in a struct type for its byte offset, it will return the offset from the start of the struct.

Where this can trip up users is when a struct type contains fields of other categories (e.g., a structure with a Texture2D in it). In these cases, the “binding index” of a structure field in a relative offset from whatever binding index is given to the parent structure.

The basic rule is that no matter what category of binding resource (bytes, registers, etc.) you are talking about, the index/offset of a.b.c must be computed by adding together the offsets of a, b and c.

Entry Points

Given an EntryPointReflection we can query its name and stage:

char const* entryPointName = entryPoint->getName();
SlangStage stage = entryPoint->getStage();

You can also enumerate the parameters of the entry point (that is, those that were written as parameters of the entry-point function):

unsigned parameterCount = entryPoint->getParameterCount();
for(unsigned pp = 0; pp < parameterCount; pp++)
	slang::VariableLayoutReflection* parameter =
	// ...

In the case of a compute shader entry point, you can also query the user-specified thread-group size (if any):

SlangUInt threadGroupSize[3];
entryPoint->getComputeThreadGruopSize(3, &threadGroupSize[0]);

Function Reflection

The slang::FunctionReflection type provides methods to query information about a function, such as the return type, parameters and user-defined attributes. You can obtain a FunctionReflection object from an IEntryPoint with IEntryPoint::getFunctionReflection, which will provide more details on the entry point function.

In addition to entry points, you can also query for ordinary functions with the ShaderReflection::findFunctionByName method:

auto funcReflection = program->getLayout()->findFunctionByName("ordinaryFunc");

// Get return type.
slang::TypeReflection* returnType = funcReflection->getReturnType();

// Get parameter count.
unsigned int paramCount = funcReflection->getParameterCount();

// Get Parameter.
slang::VariableReflection* param0 = funcReflection->getParameter(0);
const char* param0Name = param0->getName();
slang::TypeReflection* param0Type = param0->getType();

// Get user defined attributes on the function.
unsigned int attribCount = funcReflection->getUserAttributeCount();
slang::UserAttribute* attrib = funcReflection->getUserAttributeByIndex(0);
const char* attribName = attrib->getName();