Migrating to Slang from HLSL


This guide provides a comprehensive overview of the primary syntax and feature differences between HLSL and Slang. It offers essential adjustments needed for a smooth transition and tips to enhance debugging and performance.

While the languages share similarities, paying close attention to specific syntax and function conventions will ensure a seamless migration of HLSL shaders to Slang.

Key Syntax and Feature Differences

enum is scoped in Slang

In HLSL, enum is unscoped, which means the enum values can be referred to without the enum’s name. In Slang, enum is scoped, requiring explicit reference to the enum’s name along with its values.

HLSL shaderSlang shader
enum MyEnum

int MyFunc()
    return int(MyEnum_A);
enum MyEnum

int MyFunc()
    return int(MyEnum::A);

To make enum unscoped in Slang, use the -unscoped-enums option or add the [UnscopedEnum] attribute to explicitly declare an enum as unscoped.

// Slang shader
enum MyEnum

int MyFunc()
    return int(MyEnum_A);

Member functions are immutable by default

By default, Slang member functions do not allow mutations to this. It is as if the member function has the const keyword in C/C++.

To mutate this, you must explicitly use the [mutating] attribute on each function.

This is a significant departure from HLSL, but the compiler will flag any missing keywords with an error.

HLSL shaderSlang shader
struct Counter
    int count;
    void increment() { count++; }
struct Counter
    int count;

    void increment() { count++; }

Forward declaration is not needed and not supported

In Slang, function declarations do not need to precede their usage.

Furthermore, Slang does not support separating the declaration from its definition for member functions. Member functions must be fully defined at the point of declaration.

Generics Instead of Templates

Slang does not support a “template” feature like HLSL does. If your HLSL shaders use templates, they will need to be converted to use generics. Depending on the complexity, this conversion process is generally straightforward.

When the template argument is a constant integer value, use the let XX : uint or uint XX syntax as shown below,

HLSL shaderSlang shader
template<uint strideX, uint strideY>
uint GetValue(const uint index)
    return index % strideX, index / strideY;
__generic<uint strideX, uint strideY>
uint GetValue(const uint index)
    return index % strideX, index / strideY;

When the template argument is a typename, you must use a built-in interface or a custom interface you define.

HLSL shaderSlang shader
template<typename T>
T max4(T x, T y, T z, T w)
    return max(max(x, y), max(z, w));
__generic<typename T> // `typename` can be omitted
T max4(T x, T y, T z, T w)
    where T : __BuiltinFloatingPointType
    return max(max(x, y), max(z, w));

For more detailed explanations on defining a custom interface, please refer to the Slang User’s Guide.

#pragma for DXC wouldn’t work for Slang

If your HLSL shaders use #pragma for the DXC compiler, these will not be compatible with Slang. You will need to remove these lines or encapsulate them as follows,

// Generate vector truncation warnings to errors.
#pragma warning(error: 3206)
#endif // #if !COMPILER_SLANG

Operator Overloading

Slang supports operator overloading, but it cannot be defined as a member method.

HLSL shaderSlang shader
struct MyStruct
    MyStruct operator+(MyStruct rhs)
        MyStruct tmp;
        tmp.value = value + rhs.value;
        return tmp;

    float value;
struct MyStruct
    MyStruct operator_ADD(MyStruct rhs)
        MyStruct tmp;
        tmp.value = value + rhs.value;
        return tmp;

    float value;

MyStruct operator+(MyStruct lhs, MyStruct rhs)
    return lhs.operator_ADD(rhs);

For more details, please consult the Slang User’s Guide

Subscript Operator

Slang uses a different syntax for overloading subscript operator so both reads and writes to a subscript location can be defined.

HLSL shaderSlang shader
struct MyType
    float values[12];

    float operator[](int index)
        return values[index];
struct MyType
    float values[12];

    __subscript(int index) -> float
        get { return val[index]; }
        set { val[index] = newValue; }

For more details, please consult the Slang User’s Guide.

Implicit parameter binding

Slang binds resources based on the shader before Dead-Code-Elimination. This means that even if a uniform parameter is not utilized by the shader, Slang will still assign a resource binding index to it.

This differs from HLSL’s behavior, where the DXC compiler removes unused parameters from the compiled shaders. The DXC reflection API then provides information on which parameters are actually being used.

This approach ensures consistent behavior across different variations of the same shader, as Slang does not remove unused parameters during its linking process, maintaining a consistent set of parameters regardless of how the shader was used or linked.

unsigned int is not supported

Slang does not support type names that use more than one token. As a result, unsigned int or signed int are not supported. These should be renamed to uint or int respectively.

Buffer Layouts

Slang defaults to std140 for constant buffers and std430 for structured buffers and related.

  • Use -fvk-use-scalar-layout to set buffer layout to scalar block layout.
  • Use -fvk-use-gl-layout to set std430 layout for raw buffer load/stores

StructuredBuffer and related objects can also take a per resource layout

StructuredBuffer<MyStruct, Std140DataLayout>
StructuredBuffer<MyStruct, Std430DataLayout>
StructuredBuffer<MyStruct, ScalarDataLayout>

#pragma pack_matrix() is not supported

HLSL provides a way to change the matrix packing order with a pragma.

While Slang doesn’t support the same pragma syntax, you can achieve the same functionality with -matrix-layout-column-major or -matrix-layout-row-major.

Slang requires more strict type casting

Slang demands more strict type casting, but you can add your own casting functions if needed. Due to this difference, some casting issues may appear as errors while migrating your HLSL shaders to Slang.

SPIR-V target specific functionalities

When you target SPIR-V, there are a few things that the user may want to know. Please check the Slang User’s Guide for more details.

Debugging and Performance Tips

When debugging Slang shaders, disabling optimizations can simplify the debugging process. Use -O0 during development, and consider experimenting with [ForceInline] to reduce compile times for performance-critical shaders.

#line directives

Slang offers a command-line option to emit or suppress #line directives when targeting C-like text formats such as HLSL, GLSL, Metal, and WGSL. When #line directives are emitted, they can assist in debugging with shader debugging tools, as these tools can correlate back to the original Slang shader.

For more information, please refer to LineDirectiveMode in the Slang User’s Guide.

Experiment with [ForceInline]

[ForceInline] is akin to the inline keyword in C++, where the body of a function is inlined at the call locations. This typically does not make any observable differences, but we have noticed that using [ForceInline] can reduce compile times compared to HLSL compilation with DXC.

This is because the shader optimization step inside DXC involves additional processes to optimize out the out or inout modifiers. When the function is inlined, these modifiers become redundant, thus reducing compile times.

This characteristic may change in the future, but it is worth experimenting with [ForceInline].